

「我們在一起六十年了, 在北竿島相遇 (馬祖的其中一個島嶼 ),本來住在同一條街上。







We have been together for 60 years. We met in Peikan Island (one of Matsu Islands), we were living on the same street. Marriage is still an important step and part in life. We should respect and treat our soulmate with love and emotion.

Three years ago, my wife suffered from several strokes so now I am taking care of her because she is one of the most important person to me. Before, my life has been full of travels around the world and even after we started to retire, I kept traveling. I was actually even busier than before. So life does not stop when you retire.

You have to enjoy your life everyday. You don’t know what can happen, one day you might get a cancer and instantly die.

And before I took a picture of them, grandpa took a brush out and gently brushed grandma’s hairs. He then quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking, and brushed his hair too, so they could both look great on the picture.


(圖文授權自「Humans of Taiwan」,原文點此)