1、passed away; did not make it 過世
你朋友出車禍了,你趕到醫院看望他,問醫生 “How is my friend?” 她說: “I’m sorry. He did not make it. / He passed away.” 意思就是,他沒撐過去,他過世了。
2、little boys room; ladies’ room 洗手間
如果你是男生,你可以問 Where is little boys room?
如果你是女生,你可以問 Where is ladies’ room?
3、mentally / physically challenged 精神障礙/ 肢體障礙
可能以前學到這方面的詞,學校教的是 “disabled 殘疾的,殘障的”,但這樣很傷人自尊。They are able to do many things, but they are just challenged by their condition. 所以,我們要用mentally / physically challenged 來描述對方。
4、full-figured; let himself go 豐滿的
不要總是說人家fat/ big。和中文裡說「豐滿」一樣,英文也用 “full-figured” 這個詞來描述比較胖的女生。如:She full-figured.
如果是男生的話,人們就會說He has let himself go. 雖然也沒有多禮貌,但起碼婉轉多了。
5、laid off; between jobs 事業
比起unemployed,上面這兩個詞委婉多了。第一個片語laid off = fired,表示被炒了;第二個詞between jobs表示他正在找工作,所以是between jobs,在工作與工作的空檔期之間。
6、fell off the back of the truck; got off the back of the truck (lorry) 買別人偷來轉賣的東西
你用三千台幣就買到一台全新的ipad,別人好奇地問,怎麼這麼便宜,你說I got it off the back of the truck. 或 I fell off the back of the truck. 意思就是,我去買了別人偷來的ipad,所以才這麼便宜。
值得一提的是,在英式英語中,truck是用lorry這個詞來代替。所以你也可以說, got off the back of the lorry。
7、previously enjoyed 二手的
很多人不喜歡說他們的東西是 “used”,別人用過的。所以,他們會說 It is previously enjoyed.
Now it is my turn to enjoy.
8、bun in the oven 懷孕
I think she might have a bun in the oven. 我覺得她可能懷孕了。這樣說比較委婉。
有些人除了用pregnant之外,還會用knocked up這個詞。如She has knocked up. 但這種說法比較偏向俚語,比較粗魯,所以建議不要使用。