使用Wordpress架設網站時,如果要作返回頂端按鈕,可以使用Scroll To Top這個Plugin。以下是這個Plugin的features。
1.Design beautiful Scroll To Top Buttons easily using this Plugin.
2.It is user friendly and very easy to install.
3.Zero coding skills required to set up this plugin.
4.You can set your custom icon by editing the custom icon from settings menu.
5.You can change background color.
6.You can add custom text.
7.You can change text color.
8.You can set required height/width.
9.You can set the position of icon.
10.Auto hide/show Button.
11.Button is visible when user scrolls to middle of page.
選好圖片後,網站右下角已經出現了Top Button了。