你曾經看過快閃族(flash mob),或曾經加入他們嗎?快閃族通常先用手機或在網路上私下約好,在指定的時間和地點做同樣一件事,然後快速離開。他們的行動可能只是追求好玩,也可能為了向社會傳達他們的想法或訴求。雖然快閃族做的事看似怪異,卻達到在不違法的情況下,成功引起社會大眾注意。讓我來看看世界各地的快閃族怎麼個快閃法吧!
One of the earliest large-scale flash mobs was London’s “Silent Disco” in 2006. People gathered in Underground stations and began dancing to music on their iPods. The idea was to have people dancing to tunes that only they could hear, which would naturally look pretty bizarre to bystanders. More than 4,000 “mobsters” showed up at Victoria Station, and were eventually dispersed by police.
最早的大規模快閃族之一是二○○六年倫敦的「無聲迪斯可」。人們群集地鐵站,開始一邊聽自個兒 iPod 播放的音樂,一邊跳舞。當時的構想是,讓人們隨著只有自己能聽到的旋律起舞,這在旁人看來當然相當怪異。當時共有超過四千名快閃族在維多利亞車站現身,最後被警方驅離。
In 2007, Vancouver hosted the first “Vancouver Water Fight.” Everyone brought squirt guns and sprayed each other for several minutes. Sound nuts? The next year, 5,000 people showed up. And in March 2008, the world’s largest pillow fight took place simultaneously in 25 cities around the world. According to the Wall Street Journal, 5,000 people turned out in New York City alone.
Another interesting kind of flash mob is the Zombie Walk. Hundreds or even thousands of people dress up like zombies and limp through shopping malls. The idea is to spoof shoppers and suggest that they too are zombies because they purchase name brand products after being told what to do by TV commercials. Of course, people taking part in flash mobs are also told what to do by others. So who’s the real zombie?
Then again, if you’ve been chained to a desk all day, going out the door and doing something silly and harmless is a fun way to socialize and blow off steam. In the words of one recent participant: “I can’t believe how satisfying that was!” It looks like this form of organized spontaneity is here to stay.
large-scale (a.) 大規模的
disco (n.) 舞廳,迪斯可音樂
underground (n./a.) 地下(的),首字母大寫 Underground 則為「倫敦地下鐵」
tune (n.) 旋律,曲調
bizarre (a.) 怪異的
spray (v.) 噴灑
simultaneously (adv.) 同時,同步
limp (v.) 跛行
satisfying (a.) 心滿意足的