




如何描繪你的夢中情人(the man of your dreams)?學學下面的幾個表達法,下次當姐妹再問起 “Tell me, what he’s like?”的時候,你就知道該怎麼說囉。



manly (adj.) 很man,愛看球賽、喝啤酒的那種 He do manly things.

muscular (adj.) 肌肉發達

handsome (adj.) 帥氣的

cute (adj.) 可愛的

hot (adj.) 性感的 = sexy

hairy (adj.) 多毛的(有些人覺得hairy man很性感)

lanky (adj.) 又高又瘦的 = a little skinny


He has…

killer abs/ 6-packs 他有超殺的6塊肌!

a killer smile 致命的微笑

killer eyes 電眼



suave (adj.) 紳士的,貼心的 He will hold the door for you, or pay for the meal.

a smooth talker 能言善道的

charming (adj.) 迷人的,就像 Disney movies裡的那些王子

romantic (adj.) 浪漫的 For example, he gives you chocolate and flowers on your birthday. He tells romantic things about how beautiful you are.

loaded (adj.) =RICH!! He has a lot of money. 多金男

a good dresser/ well-dressed = fashionable 時尚的

thoughtful (adj.) 體貼的 He thinks about you and does nice things to comfort you when you feel bad.

athletic (adj.)愛運動的,會運動的,有可能還非常muscular

a mama’s boy 媽寶 He listnes to every word his mama says.

a bad boy 壞男孩 = the guy who does bad things

a gentleman 紳士

a joker 很會搞笑says funny things all the time; makes you laugh

a flirt 善於調情的 His acts are very flirty.(flirty 調情的(adj.))
