「我曾經單身了好長一段時間,這段時間讓我一度懷疑我自己其實沒有我想像中的那麼好。 但我後來想明白了一些事情。
我相信宿命論與遇到命中註定的那個人需要花很長的一段時間。 我相信每段我們曾經談過的戀愛,每個遇見的人都能讓我們變成今天更好的自己,能讓此時這個更好的自己遇見對的人。 這個浩大的世界裡,每個人都有屬於自己會遇見那個人的時間點。
所以在此之前,我們所遇見的每個人都是為遇見那個命中註定的那個人所做的練習。 沒有所謂的永遠都遇不到對的人,是沒有看清楚宿命給我們的課題,一旦克服了,你會找到更好的自己與更好的人。」
“I was single for quite a long time and I somehow ended up thinking that I wasn’t as good as I thought I was. But lately I realized one thing. This reason was wrong.
I believe in karma and sometimes it takes a very very long time to meet the right person. I believe every relationships you have had before, every people you have met made you the better person you are today so you could be ready for the right one. In this huge world, there is a timing for everybody.
Until then, all the people we met before the right one are “practices”. There is no such thing as “we will never meet the right one”. It is because we haven’t conquered yet the mission the karma gave us. Once it’s done, you will find your better self and better people.”
(圖文授權自「Humans of Taiwan」,原文點此)