但是, 我都不太管別人覺得我是怪咖,畢竟我念哲學就是大家覺得我是怪咖。我每次講說,假如認識新朋友,他說「诶你念哪裡? 這課好怪」 所以我也很習慣別人覺得我很奇怪。 現在沒什麼感覺。
其實,台灣的教育從國高中都是一直強迫你,讀書讀書讀書。那時候,你的腦袋是被塞滿讀很多書。我是好勝心很強的人,我爸希望我讀的好,我就一直讀一直讀,可是我青春期開始叛逆,那時候就一陣子很怪, 一陣子又回來繼續讀書。那時候腦袋塞滿了這些讀書的東西,台灣教育的東西,所以你還蠻少時間可以思考自己要的。 真的沒有思考。 我覺得這很糟糕。
I started to wear that kind of style since I was young up to now. I don’t really like any type of style, I just let myself wear what I think fit me. But quite often, people think I am a freak. I don’t care that they think I am a freak. Since I started to study philosophy, everybody kept thinking that. Each time I talk about what I studied, people react like “Oh…you study philosophy? That’s such a weird subject”. So I am used to it, I don’t feel anything anymore.
Actually, education in Taiwan forced students from high school to study and to read. Your head starts to be filled with tons of books you have read and studied. I was a person with great ambition and my dad wanted me to follow this path of studying hard so I did. But I began to be more rebellious during my adolescence, for a while at least, before going back to the “normal road”. My head was filled with everything we teach you in school. I didn’t have time to think about my own self, what I wanted to do. Really didn’t think about it. I think this is really bad. After entering university, I realized that philosophy opened my mind, showed me different ways to think, to be more independent. I started to get my own ideas. And naturally, this skill of thinking by yourself starts to be more developed. You change from the inside to the outside, all together.
(圖文授權自「Humans of Taiwan」,原文點此)